We are a dedicated risk-management Organization with a proven track record of Soft/Hard Bucket Collections keeping distinguished set-up for each client. From dialers to individual caller line, there has been a predefined collection process to cater every individual portfolio with the required focused approach. To win over portfolios we have all the process evaluation in place to strategize the desired outcome at any point of stage in a month. There's an assiduous team with the expertise in tracing Skip Cases has one of our collection strength, which also assists is in the Re-Possessions.
Repossession — the seizure of property that usually occurs as a result of nonpayment of a debt — can happen quickly and without warning. Although some lenders may technically be able to repossess collateral immediately after a missed payment, most repossessions take place on accounts that are 10 days or more past due. Any item used to secure a loan or a line of credit can be subject to repossession if the debt goes into default. This can include your home (which means foreclosure), your car or any other item that you purchased with credit, such as furniture, electronics, appliances, boats and motorcycles.
We better know it as Credit Profile Verification, being Conducted to authenticate and validate the client's Re-Payment Capacity through the Qualitative Measures. Sensitivity Analysis, Tele-verification, De-Duplication check, supported with the evidences from the Physical Verification. A detailed report based on evidences is generated under the supervison of the experts, which provides insight into the cases, further helps the principal to take the final call. Records are maintained at each stage and there is a cross-check audit on the performance and the records happens after regular intervals.
The financial market refers to the marketplace where the activities related to creating and trading different financial assets such as bonds, shares, commodities, currencies, derivatives, etc., occur. It provides the platform for sellers and buyers of financial assets to meet and trade with each other at a price determined by market forces. It is a broad term and includes various types of markets where companies requiring investment can borrow money at a low cost. Investors often trade in securities to earn a long-term or short-term profit. Millions of dollars are traded daily in the financial market depending upon the economy.
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